Moving Along

The days are finally ticking down! I’m down to six days until I move into my first apartment. I’m rather excited, to be honest. I feel like its going to be very different than living in a dormitory. Maybe it’s just my imagination and high expectations of what it feels like to more officially live on my own, but I guess I envision it to be more independent. I really want to move in already and organize everything. I don’t like having my stuff in boxes just waiting for me to unpack them. I want to unpack them already and get myself cozy in my new home. Theres a lot to sort out but I’m fine dealing with that as long as I can move in. I oddly find moving in a fun job. I know, odd. 

I just wonder how different it’s going to feel. I’ll officially have to start learning how to more seriously cook, which excites me. I love watching people cook but I oddly don’t cook much myself. I actually watch people cook a lot and I learn techniques and how to do things but not in the sense that I could actually apply this knowledge into my own cooking because I have a bit of a fear with cooking. But I really want to overcome that and learn to comfortably cook one day! Hahaha its a secret dream of mine to finally be okay with cooking. I guess we’ll see~

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